ESG Package

What is ESG?

The abbreviation ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance, which are three dimensions of sustainable development. Directive 2014/95/EU introduced the requirement for large entities and groups to provide information on at least environmental, social and employee issues, respect for human rights, anti-corruption and bribery. The European Commission has noted that there has been an increased demand for information on corporate sustainability, especially from the investor community. This increase in demand is due to the volatile nature of risks for individuals and increasing investor awareness of the financial implications of these risks. This applies in particular to climate-related financial risks. (source: Directive 2022/2464)

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Nieregularne kształty w kolorach granatowym, jasnozielonym, ciemnozielonym i szarym. Widoczne są także napisy 'E jak Environmental', 'S jak Social' oraz 'G jak Governance'
Grafika z kartkami, na których są wykresy, oraz dłońmi, z których jedna trzyma długopis

Who is covered by ESG reporting

Sustainability reporting will cover all companies subject to Directive 2022/2464 with regard to Corporate Sustainability Reporting (CSRD) in accordance with the schedule proposed in the Directive:

  • Scopes 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions (across the value chain
  • Greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets
  • Identification of climate risks

The companies will report according to the uniform standards of Europen Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS)

What are ESRSs?

It is a set of standards issued by the European Commission in the form of delegated acts that cover issues related to the environment, society and corporate governance.


ESRS E1 - Climate change

ESRS E2 - Contaminants

ESRS E3 - Water and Marine Resources

ESRS E4 - Ecosystem and biodiversity

ESRS E5 - Resources and circular economy


ESRS S1 - Employment

ESRS S2 - Employees in the value chain

ESRS S3 - Social environment

ESRS S4 - Consumers and End Users


ESRS G1 – Praktyki biznesowe

What is the service about?

The ESG package includes the scope of the Law package and the Carbon Footprint package. The client receives legal consultations in the area of environmental protection, we calculate client's carbon footprint, but also collect the necessary information according to ESRS standards, primarily in the area of the environment. We can help in defining goals and interpreting data, because we understand the specifics of the facility very well. This is possible thanks to taking over and fulfilling obligations in the field of environmental protection law on behalf of the client. At the beginning of the second quarter of each year, we prepare an annual data statement for our clients.

porozmawiajmy o współpracy
Grafika przedstawiająca nieregularne kształty, z lewej strony na górze jest napis 'Pakiet prawo' pod nim znak '+', poniżej 'Ślad węglowy' pod nim '+', a na samym dole napis 'Standardy ESRS'. Po prawej stronie zielony kształt z napisem 'Pakiet ESG

Who is this service for?

The service is dedicated to entrepreneurs who report or intend to report information on sustainable development according to ESRS indicators.

What are the benefits of choosing an ESG package?

Ikona stopy z napisem CO2 w kolorach czarnym i zielonym


informing about the carbon footprint

Ikona kobiety w słuchawkach z mikrofonem


overseeing the company's environmental issues

Ikona dwóch kartek papieru, jedna przed drugą, w kolorach czarnym i zielonym


personalized environmental knowledge pill

Ikona kartki papieru przed którą jest ikona zegara, w kolorach czarnym i zielonym


submitted reports, statements or forms

Ikona lupy powiększającej w kolorach czarnym i zielonym


Information on climate risks at the place of business

Ikona kartki i długopisu obok


including disclosures relevant to the business

Ikona uproszczonego wykresu słupkowego w kolorach czarnych i zielonych

construction of a materiality map and a proposal for disclosure of environmental and social indicators as well as corporate governance indicators

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