About us. Meet the IEserwis team
We can help you
Investeko Service Sp. z o. o. has been providing environmental consulting services for corporations, service and production sectors for over 20 years. Our mission is to provide a comprehensive service of the highest quality that helps our clients achieve environmental goals. We possess the experience and knowledge to help you
See moreTechnically prepared
We work in a team made up of experts in environmental protection. When recruiting employees, we emphasize education in the field related to our industry, which we then develop through training programs. In our company, each employee becomes a customer supervisor. We make every effort to build long-term relationships with clients based on trust and good communication. We want companies to fulfill their obligations in accordance with the environmental protection law.
Poznaj nasz zespołIn our organization, we develop a team that follows a defined career path

Meet our team
Swietochlowice Branch (company's registered office)

Barbara Lampart
President of the Management Board/ Chief Operating Officer

Klaudia Pietryszyn
Wiceprezeska Zarządu / Dyrektorka ds. rozwoju

Katarzyna Mysiak-Machnik
Chief expert

Agnieszka Fabryczny

Renata Jochemczyk
Starszy Specjalista

Justyna Kogut
Młodszy Specjalista

Katarzyna Konopka
Senior expert

Marta Salata

Jarosław Bałaziński
Chief expert

Monika Nieszporek

Joanna Micek

Magdalena Tomanek

Agata Grzebielucha
Junior expert

Sabina Blaźniak
Młodszy specjalista ds. umów i ofert