Enviromental documentation
Aquatic legal survey
Aquatic legal survey is the documentation attached to the application for a water permit. It meets the requirements of the Water Law. By accepting an order for the survey, we undertake both the preparation of documentation and the preparation and completion of the application for a water permit. We are with the client until a decision is issued - a water permit. We specialize in water permits for the discharge of industrial sewage into the sewage system of another entity, containing substances particularly harmful to the aquatic environment.
See moreSubmitting a notification on emissions
It is an application in the form of documentation that must be completed and submitted to the appropriate environmental protection authority in connection with the operation of the plant, the emission of which does not require a permit, due to the release of gases or dust into the air. The operator of the installation is obliged to make a notification before starting its operation. The types of installations that require notification are specified in the regulation and include among other plants:
- power generation - with a nominal thermal power greater than or equal to 1 MW (e.g. boilers, radiators, other heating devices, power generators)
- other than power generation - with a nominal thermal power greater than 0.5 MW (e.g. a kiln for firing ceramics)
- for welding covering from 1 to 3 stations, as an organized emission (mechanical ventilation, local extraction
Who is the notification for?
Notification of the plant is the responsibility of the operator of the plant, i.e. in accordance with the definition of the Environmental Protection Law, it is an entity authorized on the basis of a specific legal title to manage the plant in order to operate it in accordance with the requirements of environmental protection, on the terms set out in the Act.
How we work - notification
The client submits to us an order to prepare documentation. An expert is assigned to carry out the project, who conducts an interview with the client, obtains the necessary materials, and then prepares the study in accordance with the guidelines of the Environmental Protection Law. The result of the work is complete documentation ready to be submitted to the appropriate Office. It takes about a month to complete it. We process the application until final approval by the Office (e.g. we make the necessary supplements to the application, submit explanations to the Office). From the submission of the documentation, the Office has 30 days to verify it and make any comments. In the absence of comments after this time, the application is deemed to have been accepted.
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Jakie wymagania stawia przed przedsiębiorcami Prawo wodne?
Czym są operaty wodnoprawne i w jakim celu są sporządzane?
Dlaczego moja firma potrzebuje operatu wodnoprawnego?
Jak przebiega proces sporządzania operatu wodnoprawnego?