KOBiZE report
What is KOBiZE?
KOBiZE abbreviation stands for The National Centre for Emissions Management. Data on 'greenhouse gas emissions and other substances released into the air' are collected in the National Database on greenhouse gas emissions and other substances in the form of reports prepared by entities using the environment. Such a report is colloquially referred to as the 'KOBiZE report'. The entity using the environment, whose activity causes emissions, prepares and enters into the National Database, by the end of February each year, a report on the previous calendar year. The data on air emissions entered into the KOBiZE report are the same as those accounted for in the fees for the use of the environment. Furthermore, it is on the basis of the KOBiZE report that the fee for releasing gases and dust into the air is determined, which should then be reported in the list to the Marshal's Office of a given voivodeship?
See moreWho has responsibilities regarding KOBiZE?
Any entity using the environment whose activities cause emissions into the air. In production plants, depending on the business profile, these will be mainly emissions related to the operation of the installation. On the other hand, minor emissions that may also apply to smaller entrepreneurs should also be accounted for, and these will be, for example, the following emissions:
From the loss of refrigerants in office or car air conditioning
From fuel combustion in boilers, heating and ventilation units, burners, power generators, fire engines, etc.
From the combustion of fuels in cars, forklifts, lawnmowers, lifts, etc.
From technological processes (welding, grinding, painting, varnishing)
From the consumption of alcohol-based disinfectants
How do we operate?
We verify the scope of duties, assist in submitting a registration application, after gaining access to the National Database, we can add places of use of the environment, prepare and send reports on behalf of the entity. Subsequently, we can prepare lists containing information and data on the use of the environment along with the calculation of fees for the use of the environment.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Do kiedy należy złożyć raport KOBiZE?
Kto składa raport KOBiZE?
W jaki sposób IESerwis świadczy usługę raportowania KOBiZE?
Ile kosztuje usługa KOBiZE?
Jakie informacje należy zawrzeć w raporcie KOBiZE?
Jak często należy składać raporty KOBiZE?
Czy pełnomocnictwo KOBiZE można wykorzystać w ramach działań CSR?