Law package

Consulting and reporting in one place

Audit, report, issue with exceeded limits of sewage, expiring decision, legal expertise - how can we help? It is thanks to the audit that we can quickly verify which regulations apply to your business. The audit report is a pill of personalized environmental knowledge with a description of the status quo, recommendations and legal basis.

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Ikona człowieka z dokumentami patrzący na fabrykę, zielono-białe tło

What do you get as part of a binding contract?

Ikona uproszczonego wykresu słupkowego

Preparation of legally required lists containing information and data on the use of the environment, including charging fees for the Marshal's Office

Ikona kartki i długopisu obok w kolorach czarnym i zielonym

Preparation of a report for The National Centre for Emissions Management (KOBiZE)

Ikona przedstawiająca człowieka w słuchawkach z mikrofonem

Consultations on running the BDO database

Ikona lupy powiekszającej

Monitoring the formal and legal status of the facility in the field of environmental protection and informing about legal changes regarding the facility

Ikona koperty z trzema kreskami z przodu, sugerująca przychodzącą wiadomość

Providing a monthly newsletter on legal changes regarding environmental protection sent to the address indicated by the Ordering Party

Ikona kartki papieru z lupą powiększającą kawałek tekstu na niej

Conducting a formal and legal audit in the field of environmental protection once a calendar year, together with the development of documentation entitled 'Environmental Protection Audit Report'

Ikona słuchawek z mikrofonem

Consultations on the use of refrigerants, including controlled substances, and making current entries in the CRO database

Ikona obrysu kropli wody z zielonym listkiem w środku

Correspondence with The State Water Holding Polish Waters and the municipality regarding fees for water services, including the preparation of quarterly statements along with a forecast of fees

Who is this service for?

This is a service dedicated to entrepreneurs who do not have an extensive unit dealing with environmental protection areas, and e.g. the health and safety department is excluded for the performance of duties. By executing the contract in this system, clients have access to our expert knowledge supported by many years of experience. Agreements for the implementation of packages are settled in the subscription system.

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