10 october 2024

Flood risk

Flood risk

One of the elements assessed during BREEAM certification in the In Use category is the flood risk assessment. According to the v6 manual as of 3.10.2024, the purpose of such an assessment is to encourage facility managers to identify flood risk and implement mitigation measures.

Breeam Certification

Breeam certification based on the v6 methodology assumes the analysis of flood risks for the following sources:

  • rivers
  • seas
  • surface runoff from adjacent urban or rural areas
  • groundwater
  • sewerage
  • reservoirs, canals and artificial springs
  • nearby functioning floodplain.

The methodology requires that such an assessment be based on reliable government sources and, where appropriate, performed by a hydrologist. In the case of Poland, the Flood Directive  has been implemented, i.e. a European-level document according to which flood risk assessment and management are carried out.

Flood Risk documents

The following documents related to flood risk assessment are available in Poland. They are:

  • preliminary flood risk assessment
  • flood hazard maps
  • flood risk management plans

Two planning cycles have been completed by 10/2024. The 3rd planning cycle is planned to be completed by the end of 2024, during which the preliminary flood risk assessment will be reviewed and updated, in order to update the flood hazard and risk maps in 2025.

What are flood hazard maps?

Flood hazard maps show areas that may be at risk of flooding in the event of a flood of varying probability (0.2%; 1% and 10%). When talking about a 100-year flood, maps with a probability of a flood occurring of 1% in a given year should be analyzed. These maps show, among others:

  • Water depth in a given area

  • Water flow rate

  • Areas of floodplains

  • Areas where flooding could pose a threat to people and infrastructure.

Flood Risk Assessment in BREEAM In Use Certification

During the assessment, the following question should be answered: If a flood risk assessment (FRA) was conducted, what was its scope and what level of risk was assigned to a given asset?

The assessment depends on three factors:

a) the number of sources for which a flood risk assessment was conducted (these may be river sources, sea sources, flood terraces, sewage systems, run-off areas or groundwater)

b) the level of risk identified for these sources

c) the adopted and implemented solutions to reduce flood risk.

The highest number of points can be obtained if the facility is located in an area where the probability of flooding is low or zero. Additional points are awarded for documentation that takes into account the impact of climate change on the risk of flooding.

Flood Risk Assessment: Process and Key Elements

This process typically includes:

1. Analysis of the location and its exposure to flood risk – The first stage involves analysing the location of the building in relation to rivers, seas, lakes and drainage systems. Historical flood data, flood hazard maps and predicted climate changes that may increase the risk should be taken into account.

2. Identification of potential threats – Both direct and indirect threats should be considered, such as flooding caused by heavy rainfall or water congestion resulting from inadequate drainage infrastructure.

3. Planning long-term risk management – ​​In addition to direct preventive measures, it is also important to develop a long-term flood risk management strategy, taking into account monitoring the condition of infrastructure and readiness to respond in crisis situations.

The services we provide include activities related to the preparation of selected documentation for BREEAM certification.


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